Is Your Equipment Safe? The Truth About IP-Rated Enclosures

What Does An Ip Rating's Numerical Value Mean?

Each of the numbers that come after IP has a distinct meaning. The first shows how well-enclosed equipment is protected from foreign objects and how well people are protected from moving parts. The second specifies the degree of defence the IP-rated enclosure has against different types of moisture (drips, sprays, submersion, etc.). It should be easier to understand using the following:

The Meaning Of Ip Ratings

Intrusion protection's first digit:

Completely dust-tight. A seal that is verified against constant airflow is part of the complete protection against dust and other particles.

Second Digit (protection against moisture):

Depending on the type of equipment, the manufacturer will determine and promote the exact specifications of this test, which may include other variables like temperature variations and flow rates.

Our IP-rated enclosures are a reliable option for commercial, industrial, and outdoor applications since they pass stringent testing to ensure compliance with IEC and ISO standards.

A&T Enclosures offers well-thought-out solutions with enduring performance and security. Get in touch with A&T Enclosures right now.

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